Translation: We have a car!!
One thing I forgot to mention (and some of you have asked about): our drivers test this past week. I got a little nervous when Jamie told me we'd have to take a test to get our Italian drivers license... just what would this entail??
No driving necessary, no Italiano to understand... this was a 48-question, multiple choice test. There was a picture of a road sign and we had to pick the correct answer. Pretty easy. Oh yes, and the mandatory "Driving Brief" we had to sit through. Now I can understand why the Italians drive so crazy. We learned from the brief that Italians aren't bad drivers, they just want to get to where they are going. We have to just get out of their way when they are coming up behind us... or else. We have to let go of our road rage (Jamie might need to take a Xanax everytime we drive somewhere from now on) and just go with the flow. Interesting concept.
Jamie and I did pass... in fact we both got 100%. Nerds.
Immediately after the test, Jamie ran (sprinted??) to get our car registered so we could finally get our car that I pass everytime I go walking (working on the running still with my foot). I knew three sides and the top were undamaged but I could never see the front. We had heard horror stories of people going to get their cars only to find them wondering what large, heavy object landed on the roof/hood of their car. Lucky us once again, we have no damage to our car. And now that we have a full tank of gas, where are we heading this weekend?? I guess you'll have to check back later to find out.
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